Colossal Lump Crab Wholesale - Soft Shell Crab Supplier, Soft Shell Crab Distributor, Crab Farming Indonesia, Mud Crab Soft Shell

Monday 26 March 2018

Colossal Lump Crab Wholesale

Colossal lump crab wholesale in global market has become one of the most important sectors in seafood industry. Colossal crab meat that consists of larger meat than jumbo lump selected from the two largest lumps of unbroken muscle connected to the crab swimming legs has been valued highly as expensive crab meat grade. The crab meat offers delicate taste with firm texture and big size often called as Mega Jumbo lump crab meat. The colossal lump is the highest grade of crab meat among other crab meat including super lump, regular lump, and jumbo lump. Find out more information regarding colossal lump crab supplier here as well.
Colossal lump crab meat in the market
The colossal lump crab meat is selected from the connector muscles of the larger crab swimming fins. They have bright white meat appearance with incredible flavor. The impressive large size of the colossal lump often makes people consider them as the ‘King of the Crab Meat’. It is also recommended that you did not broke up the colossal crab meat into smaller pieces since it is best to be used in recipe that the crab meat is become the star of the dish. When you want to make appealing dish with nice appearance then use colossal crab meat since the large chunks can become the center of the dish.
·         Fresh colossal crab meat
The fishermen deliver the fresh and alive large crab species to the facilities where the colossal lump crab wholesale product is going to be prepared. Colossal lump can be sold as fresh and frozen lump crab meat or pasteurized crab meat in cans and jars. In the facilities, the crab meat is selected based on their size and qualities. After that they are cleaned and the shell is removed. The said meat is taken from the crab and then steamed or boiled with high temperature. After that the crab meat is packed inside plastic bag or tub and then sold as fresh colossal lump crab wholesale in the market.
·         Frozen colossal crab meat
If the colossal lump crab is sold as frozen meat then after the said meat is taken, they are quickly frozen into freezer with special temperature setting. The crab meat needs to be frozen in such proper way so the texture is going to be hard and very firm. The process will lock the freshness of the frozen crab meat and thus expand the shelf life of the colossal meat. The crab meat is packed into plastic bag or container/ tub. The frozen colossal lump crab wholesale will deliver the meat into various clients including hotels, restaurants, and facilities for further processing, supermarkets, grocery stores, and end users.
The benefits of frozen colossal lump crab is in the long shelf life which can last for 3 months more or less if stored in proper temperature setting. In addition, frozen crab meat is available year round unlike fresh crab meat. Although you need to be smart as well when you try to look for frozen colossal crab meat, we will give you simple few guides when you want to buy the frozen colossal crab meat in the market:
-          Check for the sign of ice burn on the frozen meat and if you spotted such sign then it means the meat is not the freshest one. Try to look another crab meat.
-          Touch the texture, it should be hard enough and this is mean the colossal meat stored properly in the freezer and not previously thawed.
-          Smell the crab meat if it is possible, they should not smell stink or rotten.
And last but not least, you need to ensure that there is no discoloration in the frozen crab meat. The meat should appear bright white or at least a bit brown. It is normal appearance for the colossal meat.
·         Pasteurized colossal crab meat
Pasteurized colossal crab meat is perfect choice for ready to eat lump meat product. It is perfect for simple dish that does not requires too much work. You can eat them straight out of a can. Pasteurized colossal meat is heated pressured with high temperature until they are free from the bacteria. After cooking and pasteurization process have been done, the crab meat will hermetically sealed inside cans or glass jar as well as packed into air tight plastic bag or tub.
Colossal crab meat in lump product versus other lump grades
Pay attention to other lump product when you buy colossal lump crab. It is because you may mistakenly the other lump grades with colossal lump. In the market, there are various lump products available such as:
-          Regular lump crab: This is consists of smaller broken pieces of jumbo lump crab meat.
-          Jumbo lump crab: The jumbo lump consists of white meat body crab that taken from two largest lumps of the unbroken muscle which connected to the swimming crab legs.
-          Super lump crab meat: This crab meat consists of broken pieces of jumbo lump crab meat mixed with large flakes of the white body meat.
Since there are four different crab meat lumps in the market, you need to be careful when read the label of the crab meat to ensure that you really picked the true colossal meat. Besides those 3 grades, there are also other crab meat grades like special, back fin, and claw crab meat.
Colossal lump crab wholesale suppliers export the colossal product into various destinations domestically and globally. If you try to look for trusted wholesalers of crab meat then it is better to find local supplier first since they will know what kind of product that popular in the said country. However, if you cannot find colossal lump crab meat dealers locally then you can always try to find crab exporters. The exporters can be found through some research. You can try to find them on the internet or professional forums where you can get good recommendations for certain people or other customers. In addition, it is better to order from trusted suppliers that already run in the business for quite some time rather than order from startup companies.

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Soft Shell Crab Supplier

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